A New Try on Renewable Energy: Hydrogen-powered Trucks Are in Place for Transporting Plasterboards in China


A pilot project was recently kicked off in Saint-Gobain’s production site in Shanghai, where two hydrogen-powered trucks are put into use for delivering plasterboards to the customers of local GMI team.?

With the renewable hydrogen as the fuel, the trucks are enabled to achieve zero emission and meanwhile guarantee transport efficiency. On top of that, the freight of the hydrogen-powered truck remains the same as that of the diesel-powered ones, which makes it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option.

The two trucks are owned by China’s Linsen Logistics Group, one of the partners of GMI team, and will be transporting in Shanghai city only. The two parties held a launch ceremony on May 26th to celebration this sustainable initiative. From now on, the two 100% hydrogen-powered trucks will be travelling in the city with Saint-Gobain logo, Purpose and green logo of “H2” painted on them.

Towards the goal of Net Zero Carbon by 2050 committed by Saint-Gobain Group, GMI China has taken a step further to explore more possibilities of applying green energy and minimizing emissions in daily operation. ??